
Wellness Travel

A travel style that mindfully improves holistic health from physical, emotional, intellectual, and environmental well-being.

How could wellness travel bring a positive impact on the environment?

  • Wellness travelers seek experiences to improve their well-being during and after travel. This could include a healthy lifestyle, having a good impact on nature, and building connections with new local people and their culture.
  • One of the ways to improve a healthy lifestyle is by being closer to nature; lucky for us, nature has many benefits, from physical to emotional well-being. While at the same time, we can give back to nature by caring for them.

Wellness activities you could do while traveling

Environmental Wellbeing

Forest bathing and respecting the nature

Join farm-to-table workshops

Physical Wellbeing

Being mindful of your nutrition intake even while traveling


Hiking or cycling

Having enough drink and sleep

Eating from locals

Emotional Wellbeing


Yoga class

Reducing screen time

Breathing exercise

Pledge to #TravelCooler