Tempeh Making Class with IniTempe Bali
Looking for more exciting activities in Bali that support climate action? Let’s try to make tempeh!
Tempeh is Indonesia's superfood made from fermented soy. It is high in nutrients and is commonly used as a protein source by vegetarians and vegans. Tempeh offers much more than just protein. Additionally, it is a complete protein because it includes all nine of the essential amino acids that your body cannot synthesize on its own. Therefore, tempeh is an unmatched, nutrient-dense value for you!
Inspired by Bali's mother nature, iniTempe creates high-quality non-GMO tempeh and healthy snacks with natural and local ingredients to suit domestic and international tastes. The sustainability of iniTempe's products is maintained through local wisdom by having a low environmental impact. For example, organic banana leaf is used as a traditional method to wrap tempeh.
Apart from being nutritious, tempeh is good for the environment. It takes less processing, land, energy, and water than raising and slaughtering animals for food.
Eating plant-based is healthy and easy. Let’s learn how to make tempeh and feel good and do good!
Activities Highlight
- Learn how to make tempeh
- Make various cuisine from tempeh, from savory to sweet
- Benefits of tempeh
- Tips for making tempeh at home