Planning to go on a field trip with your students? Here are some educational field trip ideas and packages recommendation around Jakarta, Bogor, and Bandung!
CSR adalah Corporate Social Responsibility. Setiap perusahaan wajib melaksanakannya. Berikut contoh program CSR perusahaan yang bisa Anda ikuti!
Bumi Journey will revolutionise your company's trip through eco-friendly commitments to the environment for the wellness of both your employees and the earth.
Kenali apa itu emisi karbon dan bahayanya bagi bumi kita, yang ternyata juga erat lho kaitannya dengan traveling!
Traveling significantly contributes to the emission of greenhouse gases. Here are some tips for you to become an environmentally friendly traveler.
EU Delegations in Indonesia closed the EU Diplomacy Week by setting an example of a contextual climate action with Bumi Journey by CarbonEthics
Bumi Journey hosted Allianz to Pulau Harapan Trip to plant 3,000 mangroves in a week!
4 tips untuk staycation yang lebih ramah lingkungan. Mulai dari pilihan destinasi sampai aktifitas dengan emisi karbon yang rendah.